EViews versions

Manage your data and perform econometric and statistical analysis
Sep 29, 2022
May 17, 2017
Mar 27, 2015
Dec 7, 2009
Jul 30, 2008
Mar 6, 2008
Mar 20, 2013
Mar 4, 2008

What's new

v13.0 [Sep 29, 2022]
EViews Interface and Programming:
- Pane and Tab alternative user interface.
- Program Language Debugging.
- Jupyter Notebook Support.
- Program dependency tracking.
Data Handling:
- Daily seasonal adjustment.
- Improved Excel writing engine.
- World Health Organisation connectivity.
- Trading Economics connectivity.
- National statistical bureaus connectivity.
- Holiday function improvements.
- Miscellaneous Improvements.
New Graph, Table and Geomap Features:
- Line and Shade Transparency.
- Custom Data Labels.
- High-low-median Colormap Presets.
- Miscellaneous Improvements.
Econometrics and Statistics:
- Non-linear ARDL Estimation.
- Improved PMG Estimation.
- Difference-in-Difference Estimation.
- Improved VEC Estimation.
- Bayesian Time-varying Coefficient Vector Autoregression.
Testing and Diagnostics:
- Cointegration Testing Enhancements.
- ARDL Diagnostics.
- Pool Mean Group / Panel ARDL Diagnostics.
- Enhanced Impulse Response Display.

v10.0 [May 17, 2017]
EViews Interface
- Automatic and user-controlled workfile and program history, snapshot and backup system.
- Live statistics for spreadsheet views.
- Support for long object names.
- Enhanced logging abilities.
Data Handling
- Improved integration with R.
- Attribute importing and exporting.
- Chow-Lin, Denton and Litterman frequency conversion methods with multiple indicator series.
- Interface to World Bank data.
- Interface to United Nations data.
- Interface to Eurostat data.
- Interface to European Central Bank data.
- Interface to IMF data.
- Interface to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data.
- Saving to Tableau.
- Saving to JSON.
Graphs, Tables and Spools
- Bubble plots.
- Series updating in graphs.
- New default graph styles.
- Miscellaneous new graph options.
- Table sorting.
- Econometrics and Statistics.
- Season-trend decomposition (STL).
- MoveReg weekly seasonal adjustment.
- Force annual totals option in X-13
- Special function computation.
- Smooth threshold regression (STR).
- Heteroskedasticity consistent robust stardard error options.
- Clustered stardard errors.
- VARs with linear restrictions.
- Structural VAR restriction improvements.
- VAR historical decomposition.
- Improved nonlinear forecasting.
- Additional autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) tools.
Testing and Diagnostics
- VAR structural residuals.
- Improved VAR serial correlation testing.
- Model bounds checking.
- Model dependency graph.

v9.0 [Mar 27, 2015]
EViews Interface
- Command capture from the interactive interface.
- Dockable command and capture window interface.
- Database and workfile object preview.
Data Handling
- Enhanced import and linking of data.
- A powerful new FRED database interface.
- Direct read and write access to data stored on cloud drive services.
- Dated data table template support for saving and importing customized settings.
- Added frequency conversion methods.
Graphs, Tables and Spools
- Added mixed graph types.
- Graph pan and zoom.
- Multi-graph viewing slideshow.
- Rectangle and ellipse drawing.
- Arrow, rectangle, and ellipse data-based anchoring.
- Tables, graphs, and spools may now be saved in LaTeX format.
- Automatic ARIMA forecasting of a series.
- Forecast evaluation and combination testing.
- Forecast averaging.
- VAR Forecasting.
- Autoregressive Distributed Lag regression (ARDL) with automatic lag selection.
- ML and GLS ARMA estimation.
- ARFIMA estimation.
- Pooled mean group estimation of panel data ARDL models.
- Threshold regression.
- Added an optimization engine.
Testing and Diagnostics
- Unit root tests with a structural break.
- Cross-section Dependence Tests.
- Panel Effects Tests.

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